Why did you remove the quests/missions? That gave purpose to the game to try and find things and achieve builds but now it's just running around on your own. Plus that weird infinity symbol in the top left corner makes no sense. Showing random items and only a few of the buttons work (randomly teleported me to a new area right in front of a predator and got killed). The game layout and functions were better before you "updated" it. Just fix the google code and put the game back. V2 sucks!
179 people found this review helpful

Let me start by saying that it's better on PC/console, but I'm barely at home, I would rather play other games if I am. With that said, for mobile games, in singleplayer, it's fantastic. It's buggy, but when has ark never been buggy. It works fantastic with my controller. The only thing I don't like is they pay to win, but meh, it's one way these people earn money, so not too annoying, and I ignore it. I haven't had a crash so far on my S22. I wish people were more patient with the developers
85 people found this review helpful

Peter S.
I wouldn't mind paying 20+ dollars for this if it had the old UI controls. This is just unplayable the way it is now, not mobile friendly whatsoever. It's a shame because I would play this game religiously. Good job on the graphics tho, looks very clean so that's good. A bit of lag sometimes unfortunately and I have a flagship Samsung phone (22 ultra)... Looks like I'll be uninstalling and won't be paying until I see some UI and controls changes. At least bring back the old controls for now.
179 people found this review helpful