c w
As always I love this game dev and will play everything they ever create. I do however wish the game was longer for the price. It felt not quite long enough. And although the animations were amazing and the puzzles were cool, it didn't really feel like they were puzzles per say, more like things you do to progress if that makes any sense. Don't get me wrong I absolutely loved it just wish it was more than what it was.
154 people found this review helpful

Nope Nope
Visually stunning and the storyline is quite creepy while still being endearing. The puzzles are mostly easy and I never found myself needing to go online for any kind of help. The last level was quite visually interesting but seemed to not have the same complex puzzle feel to it. Definitely would say that the puzzles themselves could have been a little more challenging. However all of that is overridden by the fact that visually this is a truly amazing game.
275 people found this review helpful

Shaan Pickett
An artistically creepy puzzle experience! Always excited to see a new game from Amanita Design. Happy Game is a mix between eerily cute, disturbing, and macabre. It's not a scary game but it is strongly horror and nightmare themed. A few puzzles require a bit more tapping around to see what happens than I expected, but overall the visuals, animation, and music make this game another work of art from these developers. Loving it so far.
255 people found this review helpful